During this type of review, the search strategy is less important. This is a type of review students usually perform in their first year to learn how to summerize the information found in different articles. But you still need to find relevant articles, and hopefully not too many!


You have created your own search strategy and want someone to look it over.
Send your PICO.

Support includes:


You perform your own searches, including deduplication. Send your PICO incl. 5 relevant articles.

Support includes:


I perform your searches. You only send me your PICO incl. 5 relevant articles.

Support includes:

1. A temporary log in to your institute to access the database(s), or

2. During the online appointment we choose the relevant index and title/abstract terms. You copy and paste these in a Word document and send this document to me. I will translate it to the different syntaxes. You then copy and paste the search and send the results to me. I will deduplicate the references for you and then send the results including the Word document back to you.

3. I travel to the nearest institute which has access to the database(s). This adds at least 2 hours. Maybe more, if there are changes to the search string afterwards.


€5 per 15 min (21% VAT excluded).