For help with your search strategy when you have to write either a Bacheloressay or Masterthesis.

[Check with your institutional library/information specialist first. Their help is usually free. ?]


You have created your own search strategy and want someone to look it over.
Send your PICO.

Support includes:


You perform your own searches, including deduplication. Send your PICO incl. 5 relevant articles.

Support includes:


I perform your searches. You only send me your PICO incl. 5 relevant articles.

Support includes:

*Due to licensing and copyright law I am not allowed to have a subscription to the different databases (except PubMed) and sell the references. There are 3 work arounds:

1. A temporary log in to your institute to access the database(s), or

2. During the online appointment we choose the relevant index and title/abstract terms. You copy and paste these in a Word document and send this document to me. I will translate it to the different syntaxes. You then copy and paste the search and send the results to me. I will deduplicate the references for you and then send the results including the Word document back to you.

3. I travel to the nearest institute which has access to the database(s). This adds at least 2 hours. Maybe more, if there are changes to the search string afterwards.


€5 per 15 min (21% VAT excluded).